Thursday, June 30, 2005

Does SOA exist?

I really liked Clemens Vasters' post on why SOA (Service Oriented Arhcitecture) doesn't exist: Another way to look at it is: there isn't anything new in SOA that isn't part of good architecture anyhow.

What is Metadata?

The best explanation of metadata I've seen so far is in Rebecca Dias's blog: She explained how SWF (Single, White, Female) is more clear in context:
<marriedStatus> single </marriedStatus>


Saturday, June 25, 2005

Searching Within Blogs?

So simple: Use technorati. Just add your search term after . Yes, I know, they have a user interface, but who has the time to click on 'submit' nowadays? for example

why use technorati? well, blogs update fast. Google updates slow. Why read last months' news?

Thursday, June 23, 2005

First post!

This is the brand new bLog of Yaniv Pessach

Not promising to update it often, but I just might...

// Yaniv